Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)


Posted by Dr.Hughes in the Creative Community category on 23-02-2012

Spend too much time ruminating over and over? I often tell my clients that your mind is not your best friend, it’s a survival machine. We are creatures of the animal kingdom; you often can’t flee or fight through your problems so lots of anxious energy gets directed into a system with no healthy outlet.

Want to train your mind? Learn the basics of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). The premise of this model is that your mood follows your thoughts, so if you change your thoughts you can change the way you feel. As part of CBT you can learn about maladaptive-thinking styles and how your mind can get you into trouble. Discover a deeper level and uncover your underlying belief-system – is it helpful? What are your traps? Know and set goals around what you value to lead a meaningful life.

In Cognitive Behaviour Threapy you learn how to use an evidence-based model to challenge your thoughts, and you devise positive actions for behavioural change. You learn how to defuse your thinking and how to bring down your levels of stress, anxiety and/or depression. You can adopt healthy strategies for relaxation. Learn the good stuff!


Call Dr Hughes and lets get it happening! 0433 500 606
